Dear Gorgeous Soul Welcome to MYLKD!
MYLKD was created to start a conversation while raising awareness around the myriad of dairy alternatives you can create, purchase and enjoy. It is also a platform to highlight a reality of the dairy industry you may not know exists and how your every purchase, your every choice, effects not only your Divine body but also that of the animals and our home, Mother Earth.
We don’t need to continue supporting the belief that mass produced dairy is essential to health let alone good for us when more and more research is being conducted proving otherwise. You will discover as you read below getting all your calcium requirements, vitamin D, protein and much much more can come straight from the earth in plant based form. Right here you can learn ideas, insights and recipes to nourish your body and allow the animals to enjoy life too with a non-dairy approach to nutrition.
While I am more pro-plant based protein and dairy alternatives, as opposed to anti-milk, what I’m presenting for you may come as a shock. I’m urging you to stop and re-think your choices, question what you are choosing to put into your body and how those choices are impacting you, me, the animals and the planet. For you this may be a bit of insight or a wake-up call to a reality you never knew existed. Wherever you sit on the fence I trust you take something away from MYLKD and above all honour what is right for you. After all, you know you best.
After diving deeper and furthering my studies and research as a health coach I learned that often we need to unlearn what we have been conditioned to believe is true in order to let the truth speak to us.
I choose health & vitality, wellbeing & freedom for all and I choose ‘No Moo’.
That’s why I created MYLKD.
With Love, Elise / S*M
My question for you is, are you MYLKD?
Why I Swapped Milk For MYLKD & Haven’t Looked Back

You have one body for this lifetime and that means the healthier and happier it is the more fulfilling life you can lead. Health and wellbeing, of the physical body especially, are directly connected to nutrition. What you eat breaks down and becomes your cell tissue, your muscles and the blood that pumps through your veins, essentially your entire body. I was brought up to believe that nourishing and fuelling my body with fresh, healthy foods is the ultimate investment. Now I know this is true.
While studying to be a health coach I found myself experimenting on my own body, researching deeper, reading articles and watching content that opened me up to a world we are not usually shown. I began to realise the reason I stopped consuming milk many years ago was not only for my own health, but also for the humanity of the animals and for our home, Mother Earth.
There was a time when I thought milk was part of a healthy balanced lifestyle, that it was an essential component of my daily intake of food and especially the key source of calcium. I soon learned otherwise. First it was my body that told me this wasn’t right. When my tummy bloated, I felt heavy, suffered digestion issues, small bumps on the skin of my arms didn’t seem to go away and a swift ‘I wish I didn’t just drink that’ comment from my body each time I consumed any. It was the wisdom of my Mum and her 30 plus years in the fitness and physical health industry and a naturopath who both suggested I stoped milk. So I did and I’ve never looked back.
Free from the same health issues I once faced, I am not alone in this shift. Many of my clients, friends, family and colleagues have all noticed the difference in their health and wellbeing by choosing Mylk and other non-dairy alternatives to dairy.
The Reality of Milk
There are over 80 normal occurring hormones in cows milk in its organic and natural state. These hormones are foreign to the human body and can cause a myriad of health issues. A greater concern however is the consumption of regular cows milk that has been treated, homogenised and pasteurised, puss and nasty hormone filled. Animal milk was not designed to be consumed by humans, and my body knew this.
Though very few people are willing to talk about the reality of milk one medical expert I learned from was Mark Hyman, M.D. who mentions many issues including busting open the myth that calcium doesn’t strengthen bones the way vitamin D does. In fact research shows animal protein in dairy may actually contribute to bone loss.
A Couple Of Interesting Facts Dr. Hyman Mentions
- Full of saturated fat, dairy is also linked to heart disease.
- Three quarters of the world’s population, that’s 75% of people, have digestive issues arising from dairy consumption – often due to lactose intolerance.
- Dairy irritates IBS – Irritable bowel syndrome.
To listen to Dr. Hyman explain this CLICK HERE. He also goes into issues concerning raw milk.
So Where Do I Get The Calcium, Potassium, Good Fats & Protein From?
Whole plant foods! Vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, seaweed, nuts, seeds! That’s why you’ll see me mylking nuts, not animals on my Instagram feed, and find plenty of homemade #plantprotein meals, snacks and treats on there too - check the Insta stories as well!
Food For Thought
- Twenty-five grams of sesame seeds contain more calcium than a glass of milk.
- A regular soak up of vitamin D rich sunshine for extra bone strength is beneficial for you from your bones to your skin and it is even a mood booster! Just 5-10 minutes of morning or late afternoon sunshine can make a difference.
With ‘calcium deficiency’ from a lack of milk consumption being a common argument it is important to note that there is not one case in worldwide literature of dietary calcium deficiency caused by a low calcium diet. The body will always meet calcium needs, especially if you are eating those clean and fresh leafy green vegetables. As Dr. Hyman says, “If you want healthy bones take vitamin D, don’t rely on diary, get your calcium from dark leafy vegetables, sesame tahini, sea vegetables … and try giving up all dairy, everything and see how you feel after a few weeks … diary is not crucial for good health. I encourage you to go diary free and see what it does for you.”
10 Reasons Why I’d Rather Get MYLKD Than Have Dairy
As a certified health coach and life mentor I don’t push a one size fits all lifestyle on any client or soul that comes my way. But this isn’t just about you and me, it isn’t just about our Divine bodies, it is more than our health and wellbeing getting destroyed here, it is the lives of millions of animals around the world each year being subjected to abuse and slaughter. And it is our planet earth too who is feeling the beating of what we choose to support and do.
While drinking breast milk is our most natural source of nutrition known, we are the only animals in the world to drink milk beyond infancy and it’s not even from our own species. You don’t see goats drinking from cows, or tigers drinking from buffalos, or any other animal drinking from a different species for that matter, yet we do. And many if not most of us have been programmed to believe it is normal and healthy. I disagree.
*Have you ever stopped to ponder; I am drinking milk stolen from a cow. Why am I drinking milk beyond infancy? I don’t still drink milk from a woman’s breast yet I drink from a cows? …
Medical research has linked the dairy industry to diseases including but not limited to acne, allergies, arthritis, asthma, cancer, diabetes, ear infections, osteoporosis, sinus … Don’t believe me? Do a little Google search or watch one of the many documentaries on the dairy industry such as, Got the Facts on Milk?
Heightened methane levels in the ozone, doubling nitrate levels in water making it undrinkable, feeding the thousands of dairy cows on pesticide ridden crops… Mega Dairies are popping up more and more and while it may make buying dairy ‘cheap’ that’s exactly how you are treating your body, the animals and the earth if you support such factory farming.
When you strip it back and explore the research available to us, you can see that consuming dairy really is a choice of convenience, habit and desire. All of which can be changed. We don’t need dairy and we certainly don’t need to be harming the animals just because we want a milkshake, a latte, or to bake our favourite dish (every drink, snack, meal and treat recipe can be altered and made with non-dairy alternatives). No living creature should be sacrificed for the sake of convenience, habit and desire.
Have you heard of rBGH? It is a genetically engineered artificial growth hormone manufactured by monsanto and injected into dairy cows to make them produce milk. Consuming synthetic and animal hormones can lead to increased oestrogen and progesterone levels in men and women. And as a result cause the suppression of our own hormone secretions leading to increased breast and prostate cancers and harming the development of your children to name a couple of side effects. And the higher the fat content in milk the higher the hormones. No thank you.
‘Somatic cells’ are another way of saying puss, puss that is found in milk. 750,000 pus cells per ml is the legal amount of pus allowed in some US milk. Yet celebrities keep wearing milk moustaches in milk campaigns, leading us to believe milk is sexy? Can improve your athletic ability? Make you healthy? I don’t think so.
This clip explains a little more about somatic cells: Got a PUStache?
Polluted waterways, noise, traffic, cost of the environment. We are not only hurting ourselves, we are hurting the animals and nature, all for the sake of milk.
I’m not convinced the dairy industry is honest with how they make milk and what is in the milk. I’m also not convinced the industry is the least bit concerned about your health or mine. If I drank a glass of milk today I would not know precisely what I am drinking and what it will do to my body. What I do know is my body would rather I didn’t drink it, and so would the animals who are dying in the millions each year to produce this milk.
When I swipe my card or hand over the cash I am voting for a company and their product. Essentially I am supporting what they do. When it comes to the dairy industry, I don’t support what they do, how they do it or their product. I’d rather make my own Mylk or support organic, natural, sugar & preservative free, animal friendly non-dairy products.
One of the most heartbreaking and repulsive facts to consider about cows’ milk for human consumption is that, almost certainly, it requires the forced impregnation of each female cow. These female cows are strapped to a rack (industry slang often refers to this as a ‘rape rack’) and inseminated with semen stored in a giant syringe. She may not be able to say “NO” but every part of her being would be screaming in some way and this to me is inhumane and utterly unacceptable.

The Dairy Effect On You, Me, The Animals and Our Home, Planet Earth
Here is a small collection of the insightful medical research, clips, documentaries and articles available to help you get informed and make the right choice for you

What you never knew about dairy
“‘Bobby’ is one of over 400,000 week-old caves discarded yearly as ‘waste products’ of the dairy industry. Most people aren’t aware that in order to produce milk, dairy cows are kept almost continually pregnant. Unwanted calves (known as ‘bobby calves’) are sent to slaughter in their first week of life so that milk can be harvested for human consumption.” – Animals Australia
CLICK TO WATCH – (WARNING: some people may find some scenes in this video distressing.)
Harvard University Gazette
Hormones in milk can be dangerous
Medical report suggests women consuming milk from dairy cows increases breast, ovarian and corpus uteri cancers.
“Milk was most closely correlated with the incidence of ovarian cancer”
Medical report showing milk consumptions aggravates acne and promotes chronic diseases.
“Milk consumption as a promoter of chronic diseases of Western societies.”
Medical News research link bacteria in cows’ milk to causing Crohns diesease
Milk weakens bones, causes osteoporosis and cancer
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- Health Concerns About Dairy Products
- Statement of Milk Industry’s ‘Get Real’ campaign
- Let’s “Get Real” about #MilkTruth
Animal foods linked to cancer
Animal foods, protein, calcium and prostate cancer risk: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Why dark leafy greens and beans are a top choice for calcium
Harvard Knows the Danger of Dairy – Why Not the USDA
FreeLee The Banana Girl summarises why you and I aren’t designed to drink milk and the reasons why you might want to rethink dairy and give it up.
5 Reasons to stop drinking MILK [warning graphic clip]
PETA speaks out about the Dairy Indusrty
What’s the real #MilkTruth? PETA Pours Dairy Industry a Glass of Reality
Robert M. Kradjian, MD writes a letter to his patients about the truth on dairy
COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret
The film that environmental organisations don’t want you to see!
Multi-Award winning documentary narrated by Joaquin Phoenix with soundtrack by Moby
Dairy Farm Or Animal Factory? Mega Dairies house 8,000 cows crammed in sheds, kept in cubicles, connected to machines and fed on concentrates riddled with pesticides.
- FARMAGEDDON: Mega dairy seen from the sky
- Don’t think this treatment also happens in our own backyard? Australia: WATCH HERE
Actress and animal advocate Alicia Silverstone exposes the nasty side of dairy
Don’t be Clueless, “Organic Dairy is Still Nasty”, says Alicia Silverstone
Forbes Magazine explores the inhumanity of the dairy industry for cows
Milk of Human Kindness Denied To Dairy Cows
One Green Planet shows the unnatural life of dairy cows and the shocking truth about the dairy industry
- How the Dairy Industry Had Unnaturally Altered the Life of Cows
- 10 Facts About the Dairy Industry That Will Shock You
The Daily PitchFork explores the real experience a dairy cow faces
A dairy cows reality
One Green Planet shares the devastating reality of the dairy industry on the planet and the animals.
Pollution, noise, traffic, cost of the environment. We are not only hurting ourselves, we are hurting the animals and the earth, all for the sake of milk.
More Informative Documentaries, Movies & Talks
- The Price of Milk (explain this…) *video featured above
- The Perils of Dairy
- The reality of Mega Dairies – Undercover Inside the U.S Dairy Industry
- Got the Facts on Milk?
- Heather Mills – Short film about the facts on dairy
- The Truth behind Milk Production – Horrors in Dairy Industry – Lets prevent sufferings of animals
- A Calf and a Half’ – Cadbury Milk Investigation- Reality Behind the Ads
- Brutal Animal Abuse in USA Ohio Dairy Farm
- Behind the Milk Moustache
Want more? Just enter ‘dairy industry truth’ or ‘milk truth’ into Youtube or Google.
Are you MYLKD? Let’s Talk!

Share Your Thoughts On;
Non-dairy alternatives and why you choose to Mylk nuts and seeds instead of animals.
How you are helping the MYLKD movement for the greater good of all
Your personal MYLKD story.

Hair – Sarah O’Kane
Make-up – Yvette Gray & Andrea Hendroff
Models – Caitlin Farren, Kieran Clancy-Lowe, Paris Fontana, Elise Carr
Photography (models) – Ryan Murphy
Photography (food) – Elise Carr
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