Tantra weaves together ALL - Sacred Sexuality, Spirituality & Soul to awaken your highest consciousness.
You will better know yourself as Divinity. Embodying Love & Light.
Tantra is a way of life. It is a science and an art. Breath. Meditation. Mindfulness. Movement. Every thought, every word, every action that is harmless. All are Yoga - to yoke or to merge - thus ALL is part of Tantra.
The word Tan-tra means to weave to expand and unify (consciousness). It is the 'weaving' and merging together of your human self with your divine self. Or your sacred sexuality with spirituality. Toward consciousness, soul and Spirit that makes this practice an ancient path that you can explore for life.
Constantly evolving. Deepening. Moving from body focus to heart, and from heart to higher mind. From high mind to the Divine and the Cosmos. We traverse the way of the microcosm to macrocosm. The depth and infinite expansion of this inner and outer evolution is one I have committed to and am honoured to teach - blended with the Esoteric Ageless Wisdom of All That Is.
Living a Tantric Life and Tantric practice – is ALL of life. It is a merging and blending, a weaving of our lower and higher nature. A continual warming and cooling, rising and plateau of energy, of darkness and light. You may enjoy some of my short practical videos on Tantra, HERE.
When we look at the physical merging with heart and consciousness we can see it is only a starting point of all that is. Of energy and forces. Learning to connect with, rise/sublimate, transcend and control. It is a weaving together to form Oneness and aspire to reach a true experience of Unity.
Pure and Divine. A practice FAR beyond ‘sex’ and/or pleasure. Tantra is an opportunity. To bring you from the Sacred Sexual to Spiritual Union - with All That Is. The highest path of this conscious connection is an entire way of life, for it is Life in All its ecstatic motion.
1:1 Tantra sessions. Individually tailored to all levels and stages of the Tantric path. Free of judgment. I meet you where you are each session. Guiding you deeper within yourself and along your unique path.

As a certified practitioner of advanced Kaula and Misha Tantra, Tantric philosophy & Esoteric studies, and as a devoted life student of The Ageless Eastern Wisdom | Esoteric mysteries who has trained with Tantra teachers, authentic White Tigress women (I am trained through the direct authentic White Tigress lineage), Qi Gong Masters, Medical Intuitives, Shaman, Yogis and Occultists, I offer a rich immersion into the Tantric way – explored in a sacred space of Light and Love.
I offer a journey to INTIMACY with self, your beloved and the Divine Source or Higher Consciousness. This is a journey that goes beyond the body and penetrates to the very core of all you are.
With deeper understanding and weaving together of authentic sacred sexuality, heart/emotions, mind/wisdom and spirituality I guide you to awaken to your higher consciousness.
You will better know yourself as 'soul' / 'divinity' while balancing your desire or primal (including sexual) nature. The shift and evolution of a Tantric way of life is intended to help you grow closer to your truth while embodying Love & light. You can also learn:
- The art of being the WITNESS and to be witnessed in your highest divinity and light. Being truly seen and seeing your beloved truly
- Breath. Meditation. Mindfulness. Movement. Tantric Yoga to deeper know self and beloved
- Use HIGHER NATURE DESIRE in your life, relationship with self and your beloved as a springboard to HEART, CONSCIOUS MIND, SOUL
- Awaken & deepen INTIMACY with yourself and your current or future beloved
- Learn ancient ways for pure, more fulfilling, loving and joyful LOVE-MAKING for raising consciousness and deepening selfless love
- Create HARMONY & BALANCE within yourself and your relationship with your beloved
- Learn Sacred Rituals & Mindfulness Practices
- Enrich your Tantric lifestyle & personal TRANSFORMATION
- Explore levels of consciousness; from raising desire nature through the key life centres of the body to higher states of: joy, intimacy, selflessness, Love and divinity
Sessions are conducted in person or online in a fully clothed manner with NO genital touch.
As a woman on the Tantric path a session can include how to;
- Explore, Connect & Awaken your unique essence / feminine nature from within
- Learn your power ultimately comes through heart, in connection to your mind and body - with discernment, harmlessness and loving kindness
- Understand the ‘yoni’ and the power of this creative portal - as only one small aspect of ALL you are
- Learn the mysterious ancient art of The White Tigress: breast massage and yoni ritual – taught fully clothed – to balance your body temple inside and out, balance your inner feminine energy, and more.* (Subject to availability)*
- Learn the ancient power of practicing the authentic White Tigress method with the jade egg; how to care for, use and benefit from this personal, sacred practice.* (Subject to availability)*
- Understand how to explore, raise and cultivate different states of consciousness in your body
- Learn the 'Complete Breath'
- Explore what may be causing stagnation in your body, emotional and energetic self disrupting your ability to receive loving masculine energy; sexually, emotionally, physically, spiritually and in your daily life.
- Reawaken your connection to your pure Feminine self and explore your 'joy'.
- Awaken your yoni-heart-mind-soul connection; clearing the way of the Divine Feminine portal of receptivity, your heart, your mind and your entire being. HEALING sessions can also greatly assist with this.
- Learn the foundation and philosophy of Tantra as a science and an art.
- Learn how to ground yourself, set boundaries, use discernment and honour your truth.
- Understand, explore and balance your inner masculine and feminine poles for Inner Sacred Union.
- Be guided through 'raising the desire nature' and cultivating life force
- Be guided through healing, harmonising, loving, mindful practices
I am dedicated to guiding women's awakening to their most authentic selves, from within. This often calls for clearing the path of obstacles, challenges, trauma, pain, disconnection etc. that blocks your way. While also letting go of the 'personality' and ego attachments that hold you back. That is why Tantric sessions can be an integral component along your Sacred Guidance journey. Especially if you require assistance with;
Trauma, fear, shame or guilt around sexuality and your body, body image issues / detachment from your physical body, difficulty with orgasm / receiving and heart connection, irregular menstruation or moon cycles. And also; have a high desire to learn, know and practice more upon a Truer Conscious/Spiritual Path. Wanting to Know and Understand who you TRULY are as a woman and as a soul.
* I DO NOT OFFER: yoni touch or hands on genital massage. Sessions are conducted fully clothed in a sacred, safe environment.
As a man on the Tantric path a session can include how to;
- Understand the essence and the philosophy of Tantra and living a Tantric life
- Learn the 'Complete Breath'
- Learn your power ultimately comes through Heart AND Mind united - with discernment, harmlessness and loving kindness
- Be guided through 'raising the desire nature' to heart, then to mind and, ultimate unity
- Reconnect to your sensual self and inner gentle-man, free from external stimulus
- Learn how to ground yourself and cultivate true masculine presence
- Understand how to navigate different states of consciousness in your body
- Step up your unwavering and powerful Divine Masculine self
- Reconnect with your current/future beloved on all levels
- Create and hold sacred space for yourself and your current/future beloved
- Learn to see your beloved for their unique beauty - beyond the body
- Be guided through healing, balancing and empowering practices
- Understand, explore and balance your inner masculine and feminine poles for inner Sacred Union
- Identify and clear old conditions and traumas that prevent you from celebrating your manhood and embracing life as a 'gentle-man': unwavering, reliable, dependable, consistent, strong, kind AND loving
- Explore what it means to be a man for your self and as a lover / partner, a father, friend and beyond.
Sessions can also assist and support men with; sexual addiction, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, difficulty with orgasm, difficulty with connecting from heart and consciousness, moving beyond standard orgasm to orgasm without ejaculation, letting go of ego driven mindset and awaken to heart and consciousness being in the drivers seat of your highest sexual and spiritual fulfilment.
* I DO NOT OFFER lingam touch or hands on genital massage. Sessions are conducted fully clothed in a sacred, safe environment.
Embark upon an a Sacred Journey to Deeper Intimacy & Conscious Love together. Illuminate your highest relationship and create a whole new depth of unconditional love, intimacy and consciousness. All through Tantric connection, love-making and daily life.
Aspects mentioned may be explored for individuals during a couples session as well as;
- Awaken and deepen your connection through learning deeper levels of intimacy, and exploring any stagnant/challenging areas that are blocking this individually and in your union
- Integrating Sexuality with Spirituality through synchronised breath work
- Sacred connection techniques
- Creating and holding sacred space for each other - from conscious listening to expressing & sharing
- Tantric relationship guidance
- Learning the art of sensual touch with heart, presence and intention
- Learning & Strengthening Conscious Communication from a place of non-judgment, deep listening and reverence
- Learn how to truly See, Hear, Hold and Love each other from a place of loving kindness, compassion and humility
- Embodying 'Harmlessness' in all thoughts, words and actions for greater intimacy, connection, and 'security' in the relationship
- Learn to be the calm in the chaos of daily life - for each other to lean on, as you take this journey as a couple through the ever changing moments and seasons of life.
These sessions are ideal as ongoing couples work to peel back all layers that both of you as individuals and as a couple may have.
Sessions for pre-martial and martial, new or long term established relationships are available and are entirely personalised to you and your beloved for where you are on your unique path as a couple.

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