Feminine Essence: The Power of Your Unified Yoni, Heart, Mind & Soul
Hi Gorgeous Soul!
While researching and typeing away at articles and guest pieces I was inspired by revisiting Eve Ensler's play, 'The Vagina Monologues', Naomi Wolf's novel, 'Vagina' and work by Dr. Christiane Northrup. This encouraged me to explore the 'Power of Your Yoni' (Sometimes also called your vagina)
Exciting, mysterious and still unspoken of (amid too many) I'm taking an angle that - your Yoni is the centre of kickstarting creativity and personal power and I want to help you and all women connect and radiate from this part of the body via your heart, mind, Soul and beyond.
Beyond, especially. As while uterus healing to self-pleasure, communication with sacred partners to ancient Yoni practices is becoming more common news, I want to share the wisdom of the Yoni/Heart/Mind/Soul connection. The inner circuitry of the female on a physical level, how the emotional and astral are connected, and also how the mind -in sync with this- leads to the way to real conscious intimacy with your true nature, your Divine Soul.
This requires more than staying only with goddess rituals and yoni massage. I'm inviting you to go within to learn how to feel, sense, radiate and magnetise with the most vulnerable, beautiful, raw, real and unique essence of your femininity. Something that is not focused on, as the power of modern woman is seen in 'slaying' and roaring through life, having and doing it all. Or, we are too caught up in gatherings and circles, workshops and retreats tapping into the inner Kali, jade egg (misuse too often) and new age goddess moon rituals to really BE connecting and awakening the unique feminine essence you and every woman has within - the Femininity in all its authenticity, not glamourised symbol trying to capture it.
The real yoni, heart, mind power, the authentic way of a conscious, Awakened Wise Woman is to peel all of this external glamour and illusion away and do the big inner and outer work. That is what I want to share in this book ...

I have interviewed women around the globe. If you are interested in completing an interview about your personal yoni story or if you work with yoni's (vaginas), with women on a body-heart-mind-soul level in any capacity and want to have a chat about your magnificent career and service to the world by answering a few questions to support this research I would love to hear from you. Especially if you believe your work incorporates heart, mind and consciousness.
I am SUPER excited to be broadening minds, opening hearts and connecting women with our most sacred selves so we can each Awaken from Within through the innate Power of the Unified Yoni, Heart, Mind & Soul!
Stay tuned ... this book baby is on her way.
With Love, Elise / S*M
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