All Hallows Eve & May Day

Happy Samhain to those StellaTribers in the Southern Hemisphere and Happy May day to those in the Northern!
Samhain or All Hallows Eve (Halloween) is the time of reflection and of looking back over the last year.

Tonight the boundary between the worlds of living and dead is the thinest; your powers of divination, sight, and supernatural communication are strengthened on this night. This powerful time is one to be cautious of if you open up to conversing with the other side. Some see this as a dangerous time to communicate with lost loved ones as you may welcome undesirable contact from uncalled souls. So connect with caution if you ‘work’ with the powers tonight, protect yourself or seek guidance from a spiritual director.

Samhain acknowledges that without death, there can be no rebirth. The darkness increases tonight and the Goddess reigns in her powerful aspect of the Crone (the wise ‘grandmother’ of the tribe). The God passes down into the underworld to become reborn through the Goddess again at the festival of Yule. Now is high time to honour those who have passed over as well as all the ‘death’ or ‘endings’ that have come into your life recently. This crumbling away of ‘life’ is for your greater good, for your soul evolution, it is a gift of the Divine cycle to allow what has been to be released and make way for the new life that will be born in time.

Blissings on you Samhain, Southern Hemisphere StellaTribers!



For those of you StellaTribers in the Northern Hemisphere it is May day! Beltane! The vivacious and life giving beginning of the summer.

This is the festival of the ‘Great Rite’ – of the sexual union between Goddess and God. Beltane is the spring fertility festival and ideal time to gather and feast in celebration. Oh what a Divine festival for lovers! Beltane is the most popular time for couples to be ‘handfasted’ and commit to their Sacred Unions in ritual and ceremony. it is also an ideal time to ‘create’ new life, become pregnant, or ‘birth’ a new project.


May you bask in the light of love during this sacred festival wherever you are.


With Love, Elise / S*M

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