Mercury Retrograde: Prime Introspection & Reinvention in 3 Steps


Mercury retrograde is more like Mercury in the Underworld. While we are urged by astrologers and mystics not to sign contracts, buy new electronics, start a new relationship, or share our latest creation with the world, it is however prime time to go within and prepare your Divine self and your Divine creations for reinvention!




From January 20th – February 11th, 2015 Mercury will be in retrograde for the first of three Merc Retro stints we shall experience this year. (The other two being from May 18 – June 11 & September 17 – October 9)

While this may be a time you want to hide in your full body knitted onesie, in a book, or pack up and escape to some luscious exotic hideaway sans internet and mobile reception, I’m suggesting you take these coming weeks as a prime opportunity to breathe deeper, slow down more often, tune in, tap in, and nestle deep deep within to hear what your heart / yoni / intuition / Great Divine / Spirit has to say to you.




Do you have a project that has been bubbling up inside that you want to commit to? Are you starting to write a book, create a new painting, job hunt for the dream career, start or expand your own business, look into moving home or book a trip of a life time, perhaps even prepare your body for pregnancy? Whatever it is you are deeply desiring to ‘birth’ this is the time to ‘storm’, ‘prep’ and  ‘cook’. So take that tush off the couch and away from the mind numbing noise and come with me…


3 Steps To Prime Reinvention & Retrospection During Mercury Retrograde


1. Brainstorming & Heartstorming 

The Mercury Retrogrades of 2015 are all in the element of AIR (last year they were in emotional WATER). This Merc Retro is in Aquarius, the beloved dreamer of castles in the sky and of turning inward – all the more reason to get dreaming and storming; on paper, charts, journals, canvas, post-its and notepads, or old shopping dockets! Just find a spot and get it out of your head and heart and onto tangible surfaces! With extra psychic energy flying through the sky you will be receiving insights and ‘downloading’ cosmic information more than usual, making you question many things, alter, fix and change your mind faster than you change your knickers (for those of you who wear them!).

You will need to sit with these questions and mull over them, mixing your ingredients into the cauldron, adding more of something and taking out a little of something else, raising the temperature for it to bubble and then cooling it down to simmer …

Ask yourself

What do I deeply want to create (that I may have been suppressing or ignoring for some time now)?

What ‘ingredients’ do I need for my creation?

How best do all the ingredients mix together?

Is something missing?

PLAY with ideas then ask;

Am I FEELING this?

Is my AUTHENTIC SELF showing up here and starting to shine through?

What is my WHY for creating this? (*The most powerful ingredient of all that you will revise below!)

Tap into your heart space and intuition/yoni space and ask it as if you were speaking with a beloved or dear confidant:

“Please show me/tell me the guidance I need right now to assist this creation of mine?”

Changes of direction may come, new insights and inspiration may come, let them in and judge them not. Do not hold on so tightly to the ‘original plan’ that you cease to see the potential in alternative greatness. Be open minded, be open hearted. Plans change and many an option may present it self for you to play with in the form of anything from a conversation to a magazine article. Just brew and ‘storm’ away while allowing your self to run wild and free with your imagination and insights.


2. Gather Your Ingredients

Have you created a plan or do you have some direction set from part 1?

Does it FEEL right?


If so, from here;

Can I refine, add to or alter the ingredients or tools which I require to proceed?

What assistance will I require?

Do I or my tribe have contacts to help when the time is right to call upon them? *That being post Merc Retro.

What does ‘it’ need to make it shine with purpose & passion?

How can I be of the greatest assistance in bringing my creation to life? *This may mean tapping into your personal tools, your Divine gifts & talents! (Are you a Marketing Wizz? A Wordsmith? The Queen of Creation? A Social Butterfly with all the connections?… Apply your gifts and talents!)

What is my revised and refined WHY for creating this?

What is the next step I need to take in preparation for ‘cooking’?

What can I prepare right now to take that next step and have it lined up ready?

Sit with your unborn beauty and speak to it. Find or create a sacred space, take a moment to tap in and ask the questions. Then allow the insight to come to you with no judgment, be it in the form of words, visions, symbols, a song you hear in passing, a store you drive by, the name of a person you feel you need to contact…


3. Back Up & Allow For Percolation

This is when Merc Retro is prime time to test your patience. Like untangling Christmas tree lights, or using a computer with infuriatingly slow internet speed, you too must have extreme patience; do what you can then step back.

Detach from the emotional & physical connection you have with this ‘unborn’ creation and honour it by allowing it time to grow; move, expand, contract, shapeshift, breathe and percolate in it’s own Divine time.

Step back when you feel you have done what you can and leave it be for the coming weeks. Once we are out of this phase, (give it a couple of days after Feb 11th for good measure), then revisit your creation. With fresh eyes, with an open heart, with retrospect reconnect for it will be ready for reinvention, as will you.

*Please note ‘back up’ during Merc Retro is also a fabulous reminder of saving, iClouding, DropBoxing, self emailing, double locking, double checking and proofing as well as protecting all of your creation in whichever way possible.


You may need to repeat these 3 steps post Merc Retro but the ground work will be there and it will be solid if you honoured this phase and truly tapped in to your Divine self and seeked Divine guidance.




Remember this is not the time to be the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, rushing from place to place fretting I’m late, I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date! Instead like Alice, it’s down the rabbit hole and into yourself you go!


Enjoy the journey and flow flow flow!

With Love & Happy Merc Retro in Aquarius, StellaTriber, Elise / S*M


P.S. Aquarius corresponds with the STAR card in Tarot … so whatever it is you are ‘birthing’ soon it has the potential to shine bright. May it be of magical service to your soul evolution and to that of humanity, and Mother Earth )0(



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