Posts Tagged ‘podcast’

The Sacredness of the Moment – Embodying Presence

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Instead of living in virtual or online worlds, living disconnected and severed from what you really are, distracted, worrying, rushing, anxious, I give you some practical entry points to embodying your own presence. To guide you to reconnecting with the sacredness of the moment. This moment, your…

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Desire ~ From the Playground to the Path

(Subscribe Rate & Review on:  iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Ever noticed yourself looking for love in the all the wrong places? How about validation? Pleasure? Escapism? Quick, feel good hits? Even looking for ‘spiritual’ experiences, authentic knowledge, sacred wisdom, guidance and truth in the wrong places? Because your desire nature leads you to the shiny, the sexy,…

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Self-Care for Depression & Dark Times

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) We all can benefit from some Sacred Guidance to navigate the depression and dark times that affect us in this human experience. For at some point or often more than one point, along the way we are faced with these challenging times.  So, let’s explore together…

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Knowing Yourself Beyond: Body, Heart & Mind

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) It’s time we go beyond the familiar & comfortable and challenge ourselves to reach new heights and depths of truth, love-wisdom and innate beauty – to feel, sense, see, know what we really are. Which is not our bodies, not our feelings and emotions, not our…

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29 Stella Lessons I've Learnt in 29 Years

  Learn it. Live it. Love it. Share it.     ***Listen to the podcast to this post as you read by clicking the orange button above*** 1. Speak your truth … say what you mean and mean what you say Not everyone speaks from truth or follows through? Really?  I’ve felt let down countless times…

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