Posts Tagged ‘spirituality’

Demystifying Chakra Healing to Energy Gates of Consciousness

People are pulled by the enticing glamours of the Eastern Mysticism. One of those such mystical pulls are to the chakras. Nothing is more popular amongst the spiritual and new age groups of today as learning to ‘activate’ and ‘force’ the opening of chakras..but let’s also uncover some untold truth and beauty of these Gates of Consciousness.

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Cultivating Love with Self, Lover & Soul

Do you feel loved? Most people I work with are longing. They feel, sense and know something integral to be missing. A longing for union within themselves, a union with a romantic partner and/or union with something greater…let’s cultivate this today.

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Secrets to Navigating the Spiritual Path

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) I want to share with you some wisdom secrets, hard won knowledge and sacred guidance of those who walk the Path; the mystical and esoteric, Yogic & Tantric, conscious and spiritual – however you relate to it. For leading a life upon the more genuine path can…

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The White Tigress: Secret, Sexual-Spiritual Female Masters

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) An elite secret sect of women who were devoted and disciplined in sexual and spiritual practices. With the key pursuit being to restore their beauty and youthfulness to reach and attain full feminine potential and become, as they term it, an immortaless … Come journey with me…

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Spiritual Values for a Purposeful Life

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Even if you aren’t fully conscious of your own values you’re still either governed in part by them, or are neglecting them and governed by someone else’s values you’ve taken on. When it comes to living a conscious life and walking a spiritual path with integrity, honesty,…

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Money ~ Crystallised Energy Made Divine

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) From the highest perspective, the spiritual and esoteric perspective, money is crystallised energy. It is essentially love and, it is divine. But you wouldn’t think that looking at us and the world we have shaped with money. How did we end up here? It’s been said humanity’s…

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Chemical Pilgrimage ~ Are Drug States Spiritual?

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Some want to feel God, to know God, to be God, some want to escape and avoid life, get high, be one, feel pleasure, have fun and, they want to do this by taking something to get them there…wherever there is. I’ve been asked many times…

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Living a Tantric Life: With & Without a Partner 

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) In Tantra, we work on the lower self and transform it – that being your body/actions, heart/feelings/emotions and mind/thoughts. Part of your role in living a Tantric Life is learning your lower self. Then realising your higher nature and manifesting that into reality. So that you…

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