
Loving Reconnection – GUIDED PRACTICE

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) This gentle and loving guided practice is to help you relax your physical body, calm your emotional body, and slow the busy mind with simple breath, self-reflection, awareness, visualisation and a soul alignment component. All to seamlessly reconnect you – beyond body, feelings and thoughts – to…

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Self Care: Consumerism & Escapism or Love & Living Truth

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Are we becoming increasingly self-obsessed with ‘self-care’ as a new consumer driven craze or are we becoming more self-aware? If we are becoming more self aware, how long do we still dwell focusing on the self before we see it is only a bridge to broader awareness…

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Transforming Anger & Unmet Needs into Intimacy & Activism

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) You get angry, you blame someone or something. It’s easy to blame. It puts it outside of yourself and gives you a perfect out to not have to do any real work and break the anger cycle. From anger & blame, to unmet needs in romantic, professional…

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Raja Yoga: The King of Yoga

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Raja yoga focuses more on mental control than how good you look and move in yoga pants. Known as the Kingly yoga for it incorporates all the other schools then adds advanced mental practices. The Path of Raja yoga is one of study and mind control to…

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The White Tigress: Secret, Sexual-Spiritual Female Masters

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) An elite secret sect of women who were devoted and disciplined in sexual and spiritual practices. With the key pursuit being to restore their beauty and youthfulness to reach and attain full feminine potential and become, as they term it, an immortaless … Come journey with me…

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Spiritual Values for a Purposeful Life

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Even if you aren’t fully conscious of your own values you’re still either governed in part by them, or are neglecting them and governed by someone else’s values you’ve taken on. When it comes to living a conscious life and walking a spiritual path with integrity, honesty,…

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Change: The Fear & The Beauty

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) We all relate to change differently. Some of us embrace it, thrive on it, seek it almost like the fix of a drug, or as we like to mix things up and keep ourselves on our toes. Leaning into the precipice of life and challenging our capacity…

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Shining a Light on Suicide: Prevention, Support & Grief

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) This episode explores how to offer support in regards to suicide prevention. Including signs to look for if someone you know may be suicidal. How self-care while supporting those in need is also important and finally, the journey of emotions and grieving for those of us navigating…

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Healing the Psyche & Emotions from Sexual Trauma

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) **PLEASE NOTE THIS PODCAST MENTIONS SEXUAL TRAUMA – there is no description or story – graphic or otherwise -, but the reference alone though for healing intention, may not resonate with you at this time. Honour your truth** Healing from any trauma is a journey. Like any…

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Breaking Up with Toxic Relationships 

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Podcast Explanation You may not always want to admit it, but you are likely aware if you have been in a toxic relationship at some point along the way. Be that with a romantic partner, a friend, family member or colleague. Perhaps, you’re in one now. There…

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