Posts Tagged ‘consciousness’

Change: The Fear & The Beauty

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) We all relate to change differently. Some of us embrace it, thrive on it, seek it almost like the fix of a drug, or as we like to mix things up and keep ourselves on our toes. Leaning into the precipice of life and challenging our capacity…

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Money ~ Crystallised Energy Made Divine

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) From the highest perspective, the spiritual and esoteric perspective, money is crystallised energy. It is essentially love and, it is divine. But you wouldn’t think that looking at us and the world we have shaped with money. How did we end up here? It’s been said humanity’s…

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Esoteric Astrology: From the Moon to the Sun

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn)  From the Moon to the Sun is about awakening to the truth that it is the Sun we live by and the sun that lights the way. But, as many would share they are still drawn first to the moon – to putting their crystals out to…

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Chemical Pilgrimage ~ Are Drug States Spiritual?

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Some want to feel God, to know God, to be God, some want to escape and avoid life, get high, be one, feel pleasure, have fun and, they want to do this by taking something to get them there…wherever there is. I’ve been asked many times…

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Living a Tantric Life: With & Without a Partner 

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) In Tantra, we work on the lower self and transform it – that being your body/actions, heart/feelings/emotions and mind/thoughts. Part of your role in living a Tantric Life is learning your lower self. Then realising your higher nature and manifesting that into reality. So that you…

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Rediscover the Essence of Tantra

(Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) If you mention ‘Tantra’ most think it is purely sexual; multiple orgasms, multiple partners, multitudes of pleasure. I’d say this is more like multiple layers of glamour, illusion and fog now veiling the truth; the pure essence of what Tantra encompasses. The real Tantras are complex beyond what…

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Awakening Tantric Consciousness: From Sexuality to Soul Love

(Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Sex can be just a ‘feel good’ experience or it can be a selfless gift. Like trying to create a baby through love or becoming deeply connected and conscious with your beloved… If you are honest, what it is you want from this, from a Tantric path? Is…

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Desire ~ From the Playground to the Path

(Subscribe Rate & Review on:  iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Ever noticed yourself looking for love in the all the wrong places? How about validation? Pleasure? Escapism? Quick, feel good hits? Even looking for ‘spiritual’ experiences, authentic knowledge, sacred wisdom, guidance and truth in the wrong places? Because your desire nature leads you to the shiny, the sexy,…

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Knowing Yourself Beyond: Body, Heart & Mind

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) It’s time we go beyond the familiar & comfortable and challenge ourselves to reach new heights and depths of truth, love-wisdom and innate beauty – to feel, sense, see, know what we really are. Which is not our bodies, not our feelings and emotions, not our…

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World Servers of the New Age

(CLICK to Subscribe, Rate & Review on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn) Walking this earth, no exoteric outer form to recognise them by; no titles, badges or superhero capes, and no building or ceremony needed – there is a group of women, men and those however they choose to identify, who are striving to supersede the outdated hierarchical…

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